Raw food blueberry sorbet
Today we present you with a recipe for a raw food blueberry sorbet that is simple to prepare and a true raw food treat.
Raw food ingredients for the blueberry
sorbet using the Green Star Elite
• 4 frozen bananas
• 1 bowl of frozen blueberries
• ½-1 cup of fresh blueberries
Preparation and serving instructions for the Green Star Elite
1. First freeze the fruit for at least 12 hours, better still overnight.
2. Put the frozen fruit into the machine in turns adding a few fresh berries now and then and taking care that the press rollers do not overheat (not too much fresh fruit at a time), or else the pulp will become too liquid.
3. Serve immediately or freeze for 10-20 minutes.
Freezing time: 12 hours + optional 10 to 20 minutes, after preparation
Preparation time: 20 minutes
Number of portions: 4-6 small bowls
Preparation tips
In this recipe it is important to keep the fruit nice and cold at all times. If they defrost during preparation, the sorbet will get mushy. Once ready you can sprinkle a dash of lemon juice over the sorbets; that really tastes good.