Keimling Naturkost has now been around for over 25 years – a company which, with the enthusiasm of company founder Winfried Holler, modern marketing and over 40 motivated staff, is based on solid foundations. And it is precisely this which makes the company so much appreciated by its customers. But one other thing is also needed to make a successful corporate strategy: the corporate philosophy.

Keimling Raw Food
More than just one marketing strategy
It is precisely this corporate philosophy that is strongly pursued at Keimling and has priority in everything that the company does. Winfried Holler, managing director of Keimling Naturkost GmbH, runs the company without ever losing sight of his own idealism. What effect this has in terms of concrete specifics can be illustrated by the example of goji berries.
These berries enjoy considerable popularity and are in theory a guarantee for sales – Winfried Holler is naturally familiar with the principle of “supply and demand” too, which is why he tried to include such goji berries in his product range in 2009. The plan failed, however, for the sole reason that Keimling was unable to find a single supplier capable of meeting the company’s quality standards. Regardless of whether it be importers, wholesalers or retailers – Keimling only offers products which satisfy the claim “If it says it’s in it, it really is in it” and “The best or nothing”.
Requirements to be met by the product
Raw food is currently experiencing massive growth in popularity with the food industry and is attracting increasing attention accordingly, but this is all far removed from the original roots of Keimling as a company. These roots were based on the idealistic concept of a man who had the courage to realise a vision, and it is precisely these beginnings that are reflected in the company’s quality standards as well.
The requirements to be met by products are very clearly stipulated by Keimling: Every single product in the company’s range has to be special and must not be available anywhere from a traditional food store. In terms of taste, aroma and consistency the customer must be certain that they can enjoy their raw food with peace of mind. Before any product is added to the company’s range, the manufacturer or supplier has to guarantee that they can meet the basic requirements set out in the Keimling product data sheet, and this includes the raw food declaration.
As far as food is concerned, one of these requirements is that the product genuinely has to be an exclusively raw food product, meaning that it has to have been dried at a temperature of below 50 degrees Celsius. In addition, Keimling also wants to know precisely where the products are produced – in a number of cases Winfried Holler personally checks the production facilities of the producer and the farmers on site. A few days ago, for example, he visited the production facilities for cashew nuts in Indonesia.
Standards abroad
Fair trade, no use of child labour, sustainable and ecological farming – all these are factors that suppliers – regardless of where in the world their headquarters are located – have to guarantee. Customers can be assured that cashew nuts from Indonesia, mangos from Mexico, papayas from Cameroon or pineapple pieces from Togo all meet these requirements to the letter. But the appliances we sell also comply with the Keimling corporate philosophy.
Not only do they have to pass the test required under the Equipment and Product Safety Act, they also have to pass the test to show that they are suitable for use for food. The appliances are of course products that are suitable for the raw food kitchen. In addition to user-friendliness, Keimling gives just as much priority to maximum yields of juice and vital substances, ease of cleaning afterwards and long service.
Health and quality – that is what Keimling products guarantee, facilitate and achieve.
Appreciate your very high quality. Can you tell me anything about the level of radiation of your Brazil nuts ie apparently most are said to have very high levels of radiation – from the deep root system of the trees. Do you look into this at all?
All our dried fruits and nuts are tested for contaminants before we sell them. And that is for every new delivery we receive. Honestly I am not sure if radiation in general ist tested. What kind of radiation do you have in mind exactly?